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In writing my French friends often write « Bonne journée mon ami «
So it’s a little confusing to suggest we never use it…
Ellen same problem for me.Never have a problem usually ?????
Thanks for your comment. I will forward this to make sure this problem gets fixed.
Comme Une Française Team
Rebonjour Jennifer,
You can email help@commeunefrancaise.com and a copy will be directly emailed to you.
Thanks, merci,
Comme Une Française Team
Merci beaucoup, Géraldine. Vous ouvrez un peu plus grand mes “yeux français”. Je connais certains d’entre ces mots et ces expressions, mais pas tous. Vos exercises de prononciation et vos commentaires supplémentaires rendent le monologue vraiment bénéfique pour moi.
Bonne fin de semaine.
For the second time, I have tried to “download as a pdf”, even giving my name and email over again, but I keep getting sent back to the same page with the video or to a page that reiterates the title and has other links, but no pdf, no text!! Please have somebody fix this! Not everyone has time for a 30 minute video!
Thanks for your comment. I will forward this to make sure this problem gets fixed.
Comme Une Française Team
Rebonjour Ellen,
You can email help@commeunefrancaise.com and a copy will be directly emailed to you.
Thanks, merci,
Comme Une Française Team
En Anglais les haricots verts dont les extrémités sont coupées en diagonale sont appelés “coupe française”. Pourquoi ? 🙂
Bonjour Willian,
French-cut is just a fancy term for julienne or thinly sliced. Because of their slender shape, they cook faster than whole beans and offer a unique visual presentation.
Comme Une Française