Why The French Never Teardown Old Buildings — Learn French


French people have been living and building on their lands for a long time, and as a sign of that heritage, French buildings can be very old. Let’s talk about that – in a lesson that’s (almost) all in French.

C’est parti.

1) The lesson in French (with translation)

En France, la préservation et le respect des bâtiments historiques sont au cœur de notre identité culturelle.
In France, the preservation and respect for historic buildings are at the heart of our cultural identity.

Dans tout le pays, il est courant de voir des monuments antiques et des habitations du Moyen- ge.
Throughout the country, it’s common to see monuments from Antiquity and medieval dwellings.

Notre patrimoine est sauvegardé par des règles et des institutions spécifiques.
Our heritage is safeguarded by specific rules and institutions.

Lorsqu’il est nécessaire d’effectuer des travaux, l’objectif est toujours de conserver le caractère historique du bâtiment.
When work is necessary, the aim is always to preserve the historical character of the building.

Par exemple, la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris a été gravement endommagée par un incendie en 2019.
For instance, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris was severely damaged by a fire in 2019.

Depuis cet événement tragique, une restauration minutieuse a été entreprise, en respectant les matériaux d’origine, en utilisant des pierres et du bois provenant des mêmes carrières et forêts que lors de sa construction initiale.
Since this tragic event, meticulous restoration has been undertaken, respecting the original materials, using stones and wood from the same quarries and forests as during its initial construction.

D’un autre côté, les villes françaises ont connu de nombreuses transformations au fil des époques.
On the other hand, French cities have seen many transformations over time.

Au dix-neuvième siècle, le baron Haussmann a supervisé la démolition d’une grande partie de l’ancien Paris pour faire place à de larges boulevards et à des immeubles élégants qui portent désormais son nom.
In the 19th century, Baron Haussmann supervised the demolition of a large part of old Paris to make way for wide boulevards and elegant buildings that now bear his name.

Le style Haussmannien, qui a été développé à cette époque, est maintenant synonyme du charme de la capitale.
The Haussmannian style, which was developed during this era, is now synonymous with the charm of the capital.

Cependant, certains changements n’ont pas été aussi bien accueillis. Par exemple, de nombreux logements construits ou reconstruits après 1945 sont dotés de façades en béton grises, bon marché, et peu attrayantes.
However, some changes were not as well received. For example, many homes built or rebuilt after 1945 feature grey, cheap, and unattractive concrete facades.

Les gratte-ciel construits dans les années 1970, comme la Tour Montparnasse, ont également été critiqués. Ces expériences ont renforcé l’engagement des Français envers la préservation de leur patrimoine.
The skyscrapers built in the 1970s, like the Montparnasse Tower, were also criticized. These experiences have reinforced the French commitment to preserving their heritage.

Aujourd’hui, les bâtiments historiques sont protégés non seulement pour leur valeur esthétique, mais aussi pour leur importance sentimentale. Tout comme dans certaines villes d’Amérique et d’ailleurs, il est difficile de construire de nouveaux logements en centre-ville qui répondent aux critères d’urbanisme stricts.
Today, historical buildings are protected not only for their aesthetic value but also for their sentimental significance. Just as in some cities in America and elsewhere, it is difficult to build new homes in city centers that meet strict urban planning criteria.

De plus, notre patrimoine historique est une ressource précieuse pour l’économie : il attire les touristes et les visiteurs. Il ne serait même pas rentable de détruire ces bâtiments pour construire du neuf.
Moreover, our historical heritage is a valuable resource for the economy: it attracts tourists and visitors. It wouldn’t even be profitable to destroy these buildings to build new ones.

En outre, cette approche de conservation est en accord avec les préoccupations écologiques des Français, qui préfèrent voir des bâtiments historiques suivre une rénovation respectueuse de l’environnement plutôt que la construction potentiellement polluante de nouveaux immeubles.
Additionally, this conservation approach aligns with the ecological concerns of the French, who often prefer an environmentally respectful renovation of historic buildings to the construction of potentially polluting new structures.

2) Vocabulary

L’immobilier = real estate:

  • Un bâtiment = a building. You have :
  • Une maison = a house
  • Une habitation = a home, a dwelling
  • Un immeuble = an apartment building
  • Une tour = a tower,
  • Un gratte-ciel = a skyscraper

Un HLM = une Habitation à Loyer Modéré = un logement social = subsidized housing meant for low-income households

une agence immobilière = a real estate agency,
un agent immobilier = a real estate agent

Le patrimoine = heritage (“what comes from our fathers”)
Les Journées du Patrimoine = Heritage Days: a weekend in September where many museums and buildings offer special visits, including places that are only available for visit during this heritage festival.
→ “Le matrimoine” = word for the heritage of women from the past, specifically

Le béton = concrete
Une question concrète = a concrete, specific question
Une excuse béton (colloquial French) = a rock-solid excuse

Une carrière = a career, or a quarry

Des travaux = handiwork, house renovation (always plural in that meaning)
Un travail = work or a specific job = un boulot (colloquial)

D’un autre côté = literally “from another side”, actually means “On the other hand”     

En outre = Furthermore, or “in addition” ; formal

3) Extra Resources (blog only)

Les Monuments Historiques = protected historical buildings
Le terroir = the heritage of agricultural land and its associated traditions, that can’t be replicated elsewhere
Une passoire thermique = a “thermal strainer”, a building with poor isolation ; they’re being regulated, to make owners renovate these buildings and make them more energy-efficient.


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I’ll see you in the next video!

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  • At risk of re-running a story I believe I’ve mentioned
    before on Comme une Française your “architecture”
    post of this week Géraldine brings to mind the French
    coastal city of St Malo in Brittany. Known locally as
    Intra-Muros the walled old town is a joy to visit, with
    many fine restaurants to be found therein ~ fruits
    de mer is a regional speciality of course, and notably
    oysters from nearby Cancale. The old town looks
    beautifully ancient, but was in fact almost completely
    destroyed by bombing and fighting in 1944. It has since
    been lovingly restored in exact detail to its former glory,
    which is hugely impressive to see. A UK ferry from
    Portsmouth takes twelve hours to sail directly there,
    with much to see and explore in the local département
    français of Ille-et-Vilaine. For readers of French classics
    the celebrated author Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette set her
    novel Le Blé en Herbe along that coastline between
    St Malo and Cancale, and if you were to keep going
    you would find yourself at le Mont-Saint-Michel.
    It is a wonderful gateway into France, but if you simply
    remained in that part of Brittany your visit to beautiful
    France would still be hugely rewarded nonetheless.
    I once had a friend who was the proprietor of a bar in
    the old town, and he and his wife were special people
    I used to visit ~ now many years ago. Perhaps our
    travels are, above all, about the people we meet, but
    it is always a marvel too to observe a country’s
    traditional architecture and learn of the history that
    goes with it. Memory lane ……………..

  • I’m sure this takes a surfeit amount of time to assemble. I look forward to receiving your content each week. Merci infiniment

  • Love that the vids are backed up with these notes. It really makes for a complete learning experience. Bravo!

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