Joyeux anniversaire Comme une Française !

Bonjour !

Comme une Française is 1 year old. Can you believe it?!

In order to celebrate and announce what’s coming for this second year,
here’s a special episode of Comme une Française TV.

And this episode involves YOU. 🙂

Click to watch « Joyeux anniversaire Comme une Française ! »:

Et toi alors ?
How do you see the future of Comme une Française
What do you want to learn in French? What do you want to master in France?

Tell me in the comments how it went. Share your story so we can discuss in the comment area below the video.

Again, MERCI for watching Comme une Française TV. MERCI for being a subscriber, for sharing your stories in the comments (love it!), asking questions and having fun in France. It’s such an honour to welcome you to France. Thanks for your time and your trust. You ROCK.


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  • Hi Géraldine,

    Happy Birthday and congratulations with your successful first year! Your personal advice on how to conduct myself in a business meeting with a French company allowed me to look forward to the occasion and enjoy the meeting with confidence. Do you have a specific video on that already in case others want to know?

    Your lighting is much nicer, fyi. The topic of how to talk to doctors is important. I had a friend visiting last week who had to call emergency for their child and not being able to communicate added even more anxiety to a stressful incident. (Things turned out well but I have sent a link to your site to the next person I know is coming to France in a week).

    Talking on the phone and being understood would be my second in a long list of situations for your videos.

    • Hi Julie,
      Thanks! You’re welcome. There will be 3 courses on this topics: phone / doctor / French at work.
      More info soon. 😉

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