Tu vas bien ?
In the UK, US, Australia, Canada… when you meet a person for the second time during the day you just say , “hi” or “hello”.
But in France, saying bonjour several times is super rude.
Maybe you didn’t know and you’re thinking « Oh no! What should I do? »…
Should you lower your gaze do they don’t talk to you? Hide in the toilets after 9AM?
Or just NEVER say Bonjour so no chance you’d say it twice?
Let me help.
Click to watch « Say hello during the day »:
Et toi alors ?
Have you ever said « Bonjour » twice and the French person looked at you like you were an alien?
Or did you never notice it?
Tell me in the comments how it went. Share your story so we can discuss in the comment area below the video.
A bientôt,
PS: Are you on Facebook and Twitter too? Click here to join the community on Facebook. And click here to follow Comme une Française on Twitter.
Je pense que le verlan est assez difficile!
There is a reason for this I think. I am a French native myself and I have lived in New Zealand for the last 20 years. At work, one of my colleague tells me “Bonjour!” in the morning. So far, so good. She tells me she took French at school when she was 13 years old and dropped from that class soon after, so Bonjour is basically the only word she knows in French. So far, so good. Now, lately she has been giving me a “Bonjour!” every single time she has something to ask me. And this to me is a form of passive aggressive. You don’t need to tell the same person hello ten times a day. In fact if I was Japanese, Chinese or Iranian, I strongly suspect she would not dare to tell me Kon’nichiwa, Nǐ hǎo or Salam because she would be systematically tagged as a bigot or even a racist in the current woke era. As a matter of fact, one of our colleague is Chinese, we have lots of different Nationalities, one of our Principals is half Irish, half Iranian, I have never heard my colleague address them in their native language. Here is the thing, there is a threshold in my native France where beyond a certain point, your perceived interest for my Culture becomes not so genuine and therefore it becomes insulting. Like the person is literally taking the proverbial piss. If you have a genuine interest in my language, you don’t need to try to impress me. Take a class and maybe we can try a discussion and maybe I can help you on the way. The thing is that the French language for any Anglo-Saxon natives is still seen has something of a social status of some sort, the old diplomatic language in a way. So, some people think French people will somehow be impressed if you tell them “Bonjour!” ten times a day. The reality is it has the same effect as calling a waiter “Garcon!” which incidentally she did when I was not responding so it was indeed passive aggressive and truth be told, I perceived her as a bit of a spoiled brat who don’t like to be said no. And here is another important clue for you: we do have spoiled brats in France but French mothers of my mum’s generation and before (I was born in the late 70s) never really spoiled their children. In New Zealand, I see mothers taking their 4 or 5 years old child in a prom with their feet dragging on the floor. I have photos of me with my mum in the late 70s early 80s and there is no prom, I walk and I remember my mum telling me “I am not carrying, you’re not a baby” when we were walking in the nearby park. Back then because of the sexual liberation, prominent sociologists wrote about the “enfant roi” (child king) phenomenon, meaning children who rule their parents. So French parents back then and before would never raise their children giving them too much importance. In fact, French TV programs were already treating children like adults. As a result, we tend to say things only when we mean it. I give an example. The expression “don’t be a stranger” does not exist in French, we could of course translate it but people would look at you like you are from another planet. If I don’t want you to be a stranger, then I make you part of my life and if you accept me in your life, then eventually we will learn about each other and we will cease to be strangers. For Anglo-Saxon, it is nothing else but a “formule de politesse” (politeness formula), it does not engage you at all. In fact I hear it all the time whenever a colleague leave the company. But in reality, if you have not talked to that person for the 5 years she was an employee, the chances of you becoming anything else but strangers once she has gone is thinner than cigarette paper. The language cannot become a figure of speech, otherwise it has no meaning. So when you tell the same person “Bonjour!” ten times a day, it shows not only you have no genuine interest for that person or her Culture but that person may think you are using blatant flattery to obtain something. That’s exactly how I felt and eventually I told her with a smile, you don’t have to tell me “Bonjour!” every time you want to ask something but if you see me working, don’t expect to stop what I am doing just because you learned one word in French, what you should do is ask me politely if I can come and see you when I am done. This is what educated descent people do. If you are not an “enfant roi” then you have learned that other people are not at your service. You still have to apply the normal courtesy. So of course we are in New Zealand, not in France, but since she addressed me in the one word she knows in French, I would not pass on the opportunity to teach a little about how French people react when you tell them “Bonjour!” ten times a day. Now, there is a way to say it as well, it can be said innocently or it can be said more forcefully when the person who shows flattery expect something off you in return. Regretfully, you won’t get anything from except maybe a very annoyed look on my face after the tenth. My best friends in New Zealand are all from the Polynesian Islands, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji and I have a couple of friends from Poland and the Philippines. I have never addressed them in their native language and they have never addressed me in French but our friendship is genuine and I will never tell them don’t be a stranger because I have made them part of my life and they have accepted in theirs. I don’t need people to address me in my language, although I will be happily surprised if they do as long as it is genuine. Tell me something about a book you read in French and that would be a great start. I can see how my colleague who tells me “Bonjour!” ten times a day could see me as arrogant but that’s the way I was raised really. If you don’t mean it, don’t say it you don’t have to.
Did it once😑😑
Bonjour – when meeting online (Skype or WebEx, etc) where you may not be able to smile or wave, what is the best way to handle this? We are usually aquatinted with the others in the meeting and don’t meet frequently.
Hi Barbara!
If the online meetings are not in the same day, you can say “Bonjour” again with no problem.
If you have several meetings in the same day with the same people, you can say “Bonjour” the first time, and then “Rebonjour !” (or “Encore bonjour !”) at the beginning of the other ones.
Have a great day,
– Arthur , writer for Comme une Française
It’s always okay to “howdy padner”
I have been learning/teaching French for 35 years and I never knew this! No French person has EVER corrected me or looked at me strangely for saying «Bonjour» more than once in a day… but maybe I haven’t? Maybe I have said «Salut!» or «Salut encore une fois!» or “Bonjour encore une fois!» or «Ça va?» or «Bonsoir” (because the next time I saw them that day was after about 5pm) I rather think this could be why. At any rate, I don’t think I had heard ANYONE tell me this until this week when one of my new adult learners who has a house in France mentioned it and I looked it up and stumbled across you online! I am ecstatic to have learned more about this habit as well as the (quite frankly cool) words «Rebonjour!» and “Re!» I am going to sign up to your emails right now! Merci!
Bonjour! I am a French major in college in the U.S.
SO my French professor (who is Polish/French) says “bonjour” to me when I come to his office to ask a question, even though we already saw each other earlier that day in class and said bonjour. One time I said re-bonjour, but that feels weird, and I can’t not say bonjour back. Or if I said bonjour again to him, it isn’t like I forgot we spoke earlier, as it is obvious I know that we spoke before. Is it rude for me to say bonjour again in this situation? Also, a bit off topic- but is it rude if you say “bonjour” and not “bonjour monsieur/madame” if they are someone you vousvoyer like a professor?
Bonjour Samantha,
In this context, I don’t know. If your teacher wants to say Bonjour each time, I can’t go against that. 🙂
But it would not happen in France.
Bonjour is neutral and fits “tu” and “vous”. You are more than welcome to say Bonjour monsieur/madame to your teacher though, they’ll like it.
Bonsoir Geraldine,
Si une personnel se trompe et dit “bonjour” deux fois, qu’est-ce qu’ on doix dire ou faire pour ne pas être impoli?
Merci! (J’aime tes videos. Très utile! T’as l’air geniale.)
Bonjour Geraldine.
When one enters a shop, I understand you always say “Bonjour Medames et Messieurs”. And Au Revoir Medames et Messieurs” (and there are shorter ways to say that). Would one ever say “Re-Bonjour in this situation, ie., when you are talking to everyone?
Merci, Christy
Bonjour Christina,
“Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs” is too formal for this kind of situations. A seller might say it to you, but not you as a client.
A “bonjour” is enough. “Rebonjour” would be ok too in this situation, if you were re-entering the shop. 🙂
Good grief. So for people like me, who are often plongée dan mes pensées, I could be in big trouble. And what if you are interacting with people via the Internet? It’s Bonsoir here, but it’s already Bonjour in France. I hope I connect with French people who have a sense of humour. 🙂
What happened to your cute studio???
This was before the studio. 😉
One language resource I used said that you always say “bonjour” for the first time you meet someone in the day…even if it is evening, instead of “bonsoir”. Is this true? Or did I misunderstand?
Bonjour Ric,
I’d recommend you say “Bonsoir” in the evening. 🙂
Bonjour Geraldine! (Pour la première fois),
Merci pour tout ce que vous faites! J’ai une question pour vous. Est-ce qu’on dit «Bonjour» une seule fois lorsque nous parlons par email aussi? J’écris beaucoup d’emails avec les mêmes clients chaque jour.
Bonjour Shay,
En principe oui.
Veux tu m’épouser ? { : ^ )
In fact, the second time you see someone, there’s no need to say or do anything; you just carry on your conversation. The first time this happened to me, I was a bit surprised; then I realized it was normal. If you feel uncomfortable with that, you can just say the person’s name before you continue the conversation.
I don’t believe I have made this mistake before because even here in the states I usually wouldn’t say good morning or hello to someone again if I see them more than once, I would merely acknowledge them so I guess I have applied that same sense while learning French. Though at one time I was conversing with a native French speaker who said bonjour to me and then later during the day said coucou and at that time I had no idea what that term meant but now I do and after watching this video I understand why she would use coucou instead of bonjour again.
Glad to helps! 😀
So, does this apply for the next day as well? For instance, in a day you can say bonjour to a person and that’s it, if you see that same person again that day you would not say bonjour again. But if you see them everyday you can still say bonjour correct? For each new day? Like a coworker that you see everyday? I hope my question makes sense. 🙂
Bonjour Rachel,
Yes, only 1 bonjour per day. 🙂
oh now i understand haha! happened to me a few days ago at work. I told the chef “bonjour” and he told me “mais t’ai deja vu, ah?”. Im m Greek and “deja vu” is when you have a strong feeling that you have experienced something before. I understood he meant “but..i have seen you before” but i was puzzled about why he found that so strange…so what do you do around here i wondered, you dont say hi anymore?
Mystery solved!
Bonjour Geraldine,
I wish I had seen this just yesterday! I’m booking a stay in France and emailing back and forth in French (trying very hard to be polite) and in both emails I’ve said Bonjour. Now I know better! The first email I didn’t leave a closing, because I didn’t know emails were more formal than here (I learned that from one of your videos also!) and now I feel like I’m stumbling over myself and accidentally being rude in the process. Thanks so much for this. Your website is very helpful. Hopefully I will do better next time.
Bien cordialement,
I don’t know whether it’s just me or if perhaps everybody else experiencing problems with your
site. It seems like some of the text within your posts are running off the
screen. Can somebody else please provide feedback and let me know
if this is happening to them as well? This might be a problem
with my internet browser because I’ve had this happen before.
Thank you
I have never heard of this rule, so merci for that. In the past, when greeting someone for the second time in the same day, I have simply said “Bonjour encore”… perhaps (I hope) that made up for the faux pas.
bonjour Géraldine
Merci pour cet vidéo vrmat çà va m’aider beaucoup, parce que ce que je sais si que tu doit dire bonjour même pas au après midi et même plus que deux fois pas jour. moi je ne le sais pas ça aussi je ne le fait pas exprès. bon je te promis de ne répété pas cet erreur et je vais utilise rebonjour ou un petite sourie 🙂
don`t think i havesaid bonjour twice. but a couple of observations 1 French somtimes get greetings wrong ie bise men to men ? or shaking the womans hand
2 bonjour even when its night
3 salut insted of bonjour/bonsoir
4To my french friends is it ok to say /kiss bonsoir then bonsoiree when leaving somtimes bon weekend
5 its also rude not say anything I have done that and was reminded by the presedent of the club
Merci beaucoup Geraldine! J’ai aucune idée! In English we might say “Hello again” if greeting someone for the 2nd time – is ‘Bonjour encore’ acceptable? And is it equally rude to say ‘bonjour’ to someone more than once in an email or Facebook message thread? Merci beaucoup pour votre aide 🙂
Whoops! – I can see a mistake in my previous message 🙁 I had no idea – I think that should be – Je n’en avais aucune idée?? Je suis désolé pour mon erreur…
Hi Liz,
In emails, no need to say “Bonjour” again. Just answer or write “re”.
on peut dire “salut” or “tchao” au lieu de “bonjour” pour la deuxième fois ou ça parait impoli aussi?
merci pour ton aide!
Bonjour Serena,
Non, “Salut” est familier et “tchao” est pour dire au revoir. 🙂
J’ai appris cette règle pour la première fois aujourd’hui. Merci!
Merci beaucoup, Géraldine pour vos vidéos, je les trouve très bien faites, super sympa et très instructives. Pour moi ce sera une belle opportunité de faire progresser aussi mon niveau de français que celui d’anglais . Moi, j’avoue que, j’ai beau être en France depuis déjà quelques années, je ne me suis jamais rendu compte que dire “bonjour” plusieurs fois par jour à la même personne puisse passer comme une impolitesse, vu que dans ma langue maternelle, ça n’était pas du tout le cas. J’ai hâte de regarder les autres vidéos, merci encore une fois, à bientôt!
Ravie que ça te plaise, Radu. 🙂
To be quite frank, my principal problem is how to know the right time at the evening to say “bonjour” or “bonsoir”. Sometimes I say bonjour and the french replys bonsoir, and vice-versa I say bonsoir and the french replys bonjour. SVP aidez-moi Geraldine…
Bonjour Fernando,
Say Bonsoir after 6PM. 🙂
How interesting! When I first arrived here, my neighbors kindly taught me to say Re-bonjour. They are so tolerant of my faux-pas! I didn’t realize there was anything rude about saying hello twice – I just thought re-bonjour was cool.
Geraldine! I wish I would have watched this one much sooner… For the past 3 months I’ve been working as a fille au pair in a tiny village, where I see teachers + parents FOUR TIMES PER DAY when taking the children to and from school. (I must be the all-time worst example of this!) I had no clue, I don’t speak French so I have nothing else to say. No wonder everyone seems so much friendlier in the morning! They must all be so annoyed with me by now, I guess better late than never!
Thanks for all the work you do, I look forward to being able to use more of your tips once I become more conversational. (=
Salut Aubri,
No worries, I’m 1000% sure they don’t think your “bonjour” are annoying. 🙂
They know you don’t know.
Now you do. Glad it helps!
Until my recent retirement I used to talk to my french colleague several times a day on the phone to discuss technical matters. We tended to alternate 50:50 between French and English. I always said bonjour, but he introduced me to rebonjour. I thought this was a way of being flippant, but I began to use it. He never explained that saying bonjour twice was rude, even though we had an agreement that we would always correct each others mistakes. Or are the rules different on the phone?
I was wondering if you saw the same person three times in a day if a second “rebonjour” would be inappropriate?
Hi Larry,
Just smile or nod. You’re then showing that you see the person, greet her, but no need to say it again. 🙂
Thanks so much, this will help me embarrass myself less when I go to France haha XD
I was wondering if it was ok to say something like ‘salut’ after the first ‘bonjour’, or is salut just for friends? 🙂
Bonjour Ally,
Great question.
Indeed, salut is for friends only.
Bonjour and Salut mean the same so no “salut twice” either. 🙂
I said bonjour twice to our concierge at our holiday apartment and she said, if I said bonjour a third time, I would have to take her and her husband out for drinks. I spent the rest of the day hidding
I think your concierge had a wonderful idea, Philip. 🙂
at first it seemed silly to me why people would get offended. but i can equate to someone saying to me , “nice to meet you” when I have already met the person earlier.
Yes Steve! That the perfect comparison!
Interressante! Alors si j’ai dit déjà «bonjour», peux-je dit «bonsoir» après?
Bonne question Matt.
Si tu dis bonjour le matin et bonsoir le soir (après 18h), il me semble que ça passe.
Il faudrait que j’y réfléchisse “dans la vraie vie”. 😉
J’avais remarqué cette différence, mais je ne savais pas ce que je devrais dire/faire au lieu de redire bonjour (mon instinct américain.) J’avais essayé « salut » mais ça gène aussi ! Qu’est-ce qu’on dit à sa famille en rentrant à la maison à midi ou le soir ?
Bonjour Juju,
A la maison, je dirais “Coucou” à midi. Et “Bonsoir” le soir. 🙂
I don’t think anyone would think this is rude to say “Bonjour” twice to the same person. Of course we would use “re bonjour” usually, just like we use “hello again” but I have never met someone who thinks that saying Bonjour twice is rude. Sorry…
Bonjour Artica,
Merci for your message.
It’s great to share your personal experience and feelings about this precise situation.
This just happened to me today! I’m so glad I stumbled upon this website.
I have said bonjour to the same person on the same day many times and nobody has ever told me that it’s not the done thing. However, thinking about it ,when I do this the person usually just smiles back nicely. Thanks , now that I know I won’t do it again.
I asked a few French colleagues having read this article, and they were all baffled by the suggestion it was rude.
Hello everyone,
I’ve never hear of any etiquette or protocole specifying that saying ‘bonjour’ twice could be ‘super rude.’ I would say that saying ‘bonjour’ twice would simply mean that you’re not paying much attention.
For some established etiquette on salutations, here:…
[Excuse their/my French :)]
Yes I did know this – but had forgotton! I think my French teacher, who was French, probably mentioned it at school. I usually say ‘salut ca va?’ when re-meeting people throughout the day. Useful tip, thanks.
Hi Alison,
Thanks for your comment. 🙂
Bonjour Geraldine,
Merci! I have heard re-bonjour (and re-bonsoir) before but did not know how rude it was to use bonjour twice. I have also had shop assistants saying “me re-voila!” if they serve you e.g. at the fish and then at the cheese counter – in this situation I have been using “re-bonjour”. Is that correct?
I have a question: I use “allo” for the telephone, and “bonjour” for meeting in person or at the start of an email, but what should I say when the gate buzzer rings and I am responding through the speaker to find out who is at the gate?
Merci encore pour votre travail, c’est super utile!
Bonjour Sue,
“Me revoila” is very French too. 🙂 Yes, “Re-bonjour” as an answer is perfect.
For the gate buzzer, you can use “Allo” as well. I use “Oui ?” too.
Merci Sue !
Half the time I don’t even use the “bonjour” part; I just say “beh, re!”
Regarding jour/soir, it doesn’t really matter, if someone looks at you funny, just correct yourself: “en fait, plutôt soir”
I made this faux pas last week. Said bonjour to the insurance guy as he left his office and then about 4 hours later said the same thing as I wasn’t sure what the etiquette was. Now I know. Thanks………..
Bonjour Anne, thanks for sharing!
OMG I didn’t know and I’ve been living in France for 4 years!
Thank you!
You’re welcome Li. Glad you find this useful. 🙂
Related to the ‘bonjour rule’ I’ve noticed that the French only seem to use ‘hallo’ on the telephone, never in person. Is this another greeting rule???
Bonjour Isabelle,
Yes, “Allo” is only for the phone.
Thanks for asking!
I had no idea! thanks very much!
Hola Fabiola! Como estas?
Thank you very much for this useful advice! Since I have been going to France for a number of years, I have had funny looks but I never knew what it was about, and my very polite French neighbours did not say anything either! Last year I was in a situation where I saw people for the second time in the day. I somehow thought that kissing them again and saying Hello was strange but I did not know what to do! Sayng Re-bonjour is a good solution. I never heard of that before. The other expressions are very good also.
Merci bien Géraldine!
Hi Anke,
Thanks for sharing your story.
Next time, just use Re-Bonjour or slightly nod but don’t do “la bise” again. 😀
A bientôt Anke.
i do have a Q on bonjour and bonsoir… going in to my shop i need that the clients feel like they have time to look around.i say bonjour…i havent had the time to look at the light outside at 6:30 at night in the winter its dark. we always have a war with jour and soir. when is the exact hour to use this term??? In winter?
I start using bonsoir around 6PM. Whether it’s night or day (=winter of summer).
Other French people might say differently, as there’s no written rule.
I work at Harley Davidson and the guys and girls come in to the boutique and we always say ALLWAYS “bonjour”. they might leave to go to there bike or buy a bike and we don’t see them for another 3 hr ..and i see them again. often i say bon.. re bonjour… its all about keeping in your head who you already saw. yes very complicated. and they don’t like it when you say it 2 times.
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Yes, the trick is to remember who you’ve already seen that day.
Well done you.
I didn’t knew about this rule. Now I understand why every time I sayed for the second time Bonjour to the same person, they always answered me with a non very kindly : RE BONJOUR!!!!!
Bonjour Sandra,
Tell us how your first “Re-bonjour” goes! 🙂
Excellent advice – thanks for the video.
(FYI I’m only hearing audio out of one speaker. You should have your video person duplicate the mono track so that we hear audio out of both sides.)
Hi Tim,
Glad you like it.
Thanks for the tips, I’ll have this checked for the next video!
Yes this happens to me a lot. I work in a shop and when I return in the afternoon it’s natural for me to say hi again to my colleagues. After the penny dropped, I started to ‘re-bonjour’ but the temptation is still there!
Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing your experience! Where do you work?
Hi, thanks for this tip, I have made this mistake and been looked at oddly, and now I know why. Re-bonjour is a good way round it, thanks.
Hi Donna, ahahah, yes, French people may look at you oddly. But no worries even I forget sometimes that I saw someone during the day (goldfish memory…). 🙂 It happens to us all.
I hadn’t heard of it either. This is JUST the kind of useful information I was hoping to get from your site/hints. Thanks!
Hi Mrs C. There’s even more of this kind of insights coming. 🙂
I have heard the ‘re-bonjour’ and had no clue what it meant
Hi Carol,
Great! Now you know. We also say (and use in emails) “Re” in an informal situation.
No, I have never heard of this rule and I have never noticed anyone be upset. It’s odd because I studied French in Paris for 6 months and none of the tutors mentioned it.
Hi Susan,
Try to listen to how other students say hello the first time they see you and then the second time.
Let us know what you hear. It would be a great feedback.