Bloopers 2
Bonjour ! Filming an episode isn’t as smooth as it looks. 🙂 And I swear sometimes… Have fun!
Weekly videos, live discussions in a supportive environment… et plus encore!
Ask your questions, share your experiences and start using your French!
Bonjour ! Filming an episode isn’t as smooth as it looks. 🙂 And I swear sometimes… Have fun!
Bonjour ! Today, we have a guest! It’s Alexa from French with Alexa. 🙂 She’ll share her favorite French childhood books, places and pastries. I’m glad to welcome Alexa on Comme une Française as she’s a very popular and talented French teacher and you’ll learn
Johan is the founder of Français Authentique where he teaches French too and we have managed to share an episode together.
Today Comme une Française turns 4 years! Joyeux anniversaire to us! Merci everyone for watching our episodes about the French language and life in France!
Coucou ! I decided to bring you back to my parents’ home for Christmas. 🙂
Salut ! Bonne année ! Oh today is such a special day. Comme une Française TV is 2 year-old, with over 100 episodes and 600 000 views! To celebrate this together, you’ve sent me questions of all sorts: behind the scenes of Comme une Française,
Bonjour ! Comme une Française is 1 year old. Can you believe it?! In order to celebrate and announce what’s coming for this second year, here’s a special episode of Comme une Française TV. And this episode involves YOU. 🙂 Click to watch « Joyeux anniversaire
This week, I’ve decided to interview my friend Nabanita, from India. Nabanita is a very active woman and she managed to adapt very well her new French life. Could you please present yourself to the readers of Comme une Française? I am Nabanita, from India.
I’ve asked my friend Nina to share her experience as a dutch expat in France. Hi Nina! Could you please present yourself to the readers of Comme une Française? Hi I’m Nina, I’m 29 and I come from the Netherlands. Tell us about your experience