5 Mistakes You’re Making with the French “Ain” Sound (& how to fix them)
Wondering how to pronounce the French sound “ain”, in words like “pain” and “demain”? Master it once and for all, once you unlearn these mistakes.
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Wondering how to pronounce the French sound “ain”, in words like “pain” and “demain”? Master it once and for all, once you unlearn these mistakes.
This French series on Netflix is great for improving your French & learning about history from the 60s. Let’s analyze some scenes together.
Learn more about the famous lavender field harvest in Provence, France while Parisian Géraldine teaches you need-to-know French grammar.
The most famous French singer is someone you’ve probably never heard of! Discover this rockstar and expand your vocabulary with his lyrics.
This Netflix series is great if you want to better understand fast, modern spoken French! French teacher Géraldine breaks down an entire scene for you.
You’ve probably read ‘Le Petit Prince’… but do you know the proper French pronunciation of its words? French teacher Géraldine breaks it down.
Learn about Parisian architecture (from native Parisian Géraldine) and boost your French grammatical knowledge at the same time!
French teacher + native Parisian Géraldine breaks down a scene in The Parisian Agency on French Netflix so you can learn modern, everyday French vocabulary.
“Foodie” culture began in the 1980s in the U.S., but surprisingly, it doesn’t exist in France — a place renowned for food. Why? I explain, in this all-French lesson.
Want to improve your comprehension skills while watching French TV shows? This award-winning series is one of the best, and shares some insider French cultural knowledge at the same time!