Dictée en Français: Improve Your Dictée Part 3
Ready to improve your French oral comprehension and spelling? You can, with this French dictation — dictée en français. Will you make any mistakes?
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Ready to improve your French oral comprehension and spelling? You can, with this French dictation — dictée en français. Will you make any mistakes?
What is the difference between ‘Est-ce que’ and ‘Qu’est-ce que’, and how can you use them to ask questions in French? Discover their correct use in this free French lesson…
How do you say ‘although’ in French? Is it ‘quoi que’? ‘Quoique’? ‘Bien que’?! Find out + learn other synonyms in this free French grammar lesson…
Learn the most important French verbs to use in the kitchen, no matter the recipe! Whether you’re cooking in a pan or boiling an egg…
Did you know that some everyday objects get their French name from brands? Learn more about the origins behind this French vocabulary.
Learn about common, everyday French vocabulary words that come from specific French names. Improve your knowledge of French language and culture in this free lesson.
In this free French lesson, we’ll discover five funny French expressions – all using the word “chou”, which is the French word for cabbage. Learn how to say that something is ‘dead easy’, or to tell someone you’re ‘drawing a blank’.
Learn how communication habits evolve over time (it’s very specific to French), the biggest cultural misunderstanding about French conversation and how to avoid the 6 worst communication breakdowns that can happen between French and Americans.
Wondering how to learn a second language fast? It’s a lot different than learning your first. In this post, we share our top tips…
How do you order a coffee in French? Or ask for directions? We’re answering all this and more…