Expressing Emotions and Feelings (Moods) in French with Examples


Moods & feelings are part of our communication, and being able to express them verbally is just as important. Whether you’re angry because you’ve stubbed your toe or are happy to have found a really beautiful flower, you need the words & phrases to express your feelings.

French expressions complements your language learning. In today’s episode you’ll learn how to translate your moods & feelings into words such as joy, anger, trust & confidence, boredom, and nostalgia.

Let’s dive into the secret emotions of French people!

Et toi ?

Which moods would you add to the list?

Bonne journée,


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  • Merci pour expliquer la difference entre toutes les formes d’ennui! C’était nouveau information pour moi!

    • I believe it means “to feel great.” You can also say, “J’ai la patate.” Same thing. La patate and therefore la frite are informal synonyms for “head.” So, basically you’re saying, “My head is in a good place,” or “I feel great.” It’s a nice idiom. “J’ai la pêche” is very similar. Literally, I have the peach. We might say, in English, I’m peachy.

      • Many thanks. I was playing tennis at the time and I had the impression that this person was somewhat annoyed with one of our opposition, so now I’m still not sure. Or maybe he was pleased that we’d won the set?

  • un épisode formidable … et bien utile! Merci Géraldine et meilleurs vœux / bonne année pour 2018 ????????????

  • J’adore l’expression “J’ai le cafard” (“I have the cockroach” meaning “I’m feeling down”)

  • Merci pour cette vidéo, Géraldine! J’ai appris dans mes cours de français au lycée qu’ “être excité(e)” peut avoir une connotation sexuelle. A ton avis, est-ce que c’est vrai et est-ce qu’il faut donc éviter d’utiliser cette expression? Peux-tu donner une suggestion pour exprimer “I’m excited” comme par exemple, “I’m excited because I am going on a trip this weekend!”? Merci mille fois!

  • Coucou Géraldine, Je suis amusé par l’expression, “j’y perds la tête” for feeling “bewildered.”

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