You don’t always talk to comprehensive French friends in cafes and restaurant. Sometimes, it’s cocktail time, office dinner time or meet-my-boyfriend’s-family time. Relax, breathe, read. And you’ll amaze them all with your delicate phrases and your charming accent.
Here are the phrases you can use in formal situations. I use them, I thought you would like to get your hand on them as well! ????
Introduce yourself
Bonjour Monsieur. (smile) Bonjour Madame.
Don’t ask me to translate this!
Comment allez-vous ?
How are you?
Très bien merci.
Very well, thanks.
Je suis ravie de vous rencontrer (enfin). OU Enchantée. OU Ravie de faire votre connaissance.
All mean : Nice to meet you. (at last)
Tip: This is THE occasion to use more elaborate vocabulary. Such as :
Tout à fait
Yes (it’s true)
Yes (thanks)
Present someone
This is the perfect occasion to nicely network.
Warning : Do it « the French way » please. Or you’ll be spotted as an opportunist. « The French way » being it takes 100 phrases to get to your point. ???? Don’t be too direct.
Permettez-moi de vous présenter…
Allow me to present you…
Mon mari / mon fils / ma fille / Monsieur Favre / Madame Favre / Lucy
My husband / my son / my daughter
Once you’ve presented this person, turn back to your husband and say :
George, je te présente Madame Dupuis.
George, this is Madame Dupuis.
Business cards
We all have business cards now. So learn how to offer one. And often, these formal phrases will only be used in office events and high society cocktails. And probably with your inlaws for… 2 hours before they adopt you. ????
Tip: put a big question mark in your eyes and a smile on your lips
Avez-vous une carte sur vous pour qu’on reste en contact ?
Do you have a business card so we can stay in touch?
Voici ma carte, n’hésitez pas à me recontacter pour qu’on en discute.
Je vous laisse ma carte. Appelez-moi la semaine prochaine pour qu’on en reparle.
This is my card. Feel free to contact me (next week) so we can talk about this.
Good bye
There are nicer ways to leave than just saying « Au revoir ». You’ll definitely get bonus points by using them!
J’ai été ravie de faire votre connaissance.
J’ai été ravie de vous rencontrer.
It was very nice to meet you.
A très bientôt Monsieur Dupuis.
Au revoir Madame Favre.
See you soon
Tip: + shake hand warmly and smile. Be gentle.
My personal 100% tested killer tip (OUT OF WORK ONLY): If you have a more than 10 years age difference with the French person + you feel they like you, call them by their first name. Keep the vouvoiement absolutely, but they will love this. As usually, everybody likes to have younger friends. Careful: there must be NO hierarchy involved and don’t get familiar. Meaning: not at work, as your colleagues would be jealous.
Have fun! Go! They will love your cute accent.