French Conversation Practice with a Real French Teacher

  • Je m’appelle…
  • Ça va ?
  • Quoi de neuf ?

What are other useful sentences for having a more fluent French conversation?
Which words do you really need to practice to feel better in a French conversation?

Practice your French conversation and you’ll speak French more fluently when it matters. With more confidence, you’ll be able to have longer conversations in French… and that will help you improve your French even more!


  1. Quoi ?
  2. Quoi : with a preposition
  3. Quoi in French expressions
  4. Quoi for fun with songs
  5. Quoi in a nutshell : four sentences to get you started

Want all the vocabulary of the lesson ?

1. Practice French Conversations: Basic Presentation

Practice these sentences out loud to feel confident from the get-go.
Set yourself a reminder in your calendar to practice regularly every day or every week!

  • Je m’appelle [Géraldine.] = My name is [Géraldine.]
  • Je suis française / américaine / australien / polonaise… = I’m French (or American, or an Australian man, or a Polish woman…)

Look up how to say your own specific name and nationality in French.

If you only practice one part of French conversation, it’s a basic presentation like that. It’s easy, and it will come up almost every time you talk to someone new in a social context. That’s exactly where you want to sound confident, and you really don’t want to freeze up!

Then practice one common first question, and your answer to it:

  • Tu fais quoi dans la vie ? = What do you do for a living? (with friendly “tu”)
  • Vous faites quoi dans la vie ? = What do you do for a living? (with respectful “vous”)

Look up your own profession in French and plug it in one of these sentences:

  • Je suis [médecin.] = I’m [a doctor, a physician.]
  • Je travaille dans [l’aide sociale.] = I work in social services, I work in the domain of [social assistance.]
  • Je suis retraitée. = I’m retired.
    • Avant, je travaillais dans [le marketing.] = I used to work in [marketing.]
    • Avant, j’étais [prof.] = I used to be [a teacher.]

You will use these lines a lot if you meet many different people in a short time. Like when you go back to touring the French countryside, for example. So you can really benefit from practicing your presentation!

2. Practice French Conversations: First Questions

On the other hand, sometimes you only meet a handful of people for a longer time, so you can also practice some recurring questions that you can use several times.

  • Quoi de neuf ? = What’s up? What’s new?
  • Tu as passé une bonne journée ? = Did you have a nice day?
  • Tu peux parler plus lentement ? = Can you speak more slowly, please?

And if you’re a bit stuck in a conversation, you can fuel it with a few questions, like: Tu peux m’en dire plus ? = Can you tell me more about it?

3. Practice French Conversations: Hobbies

You might have your own favorite questions to fuel a conversation in your own language. At some point, take the time to look up the translation of your everyday conversations, and practice in French the sentences that you really use.

Maybe you really enjoy talking about your passions? Switch in your own hobby if you can!

  • Je fais de [la voile.] = I sail, I enjoy sailing.
  • Je fais beaucoup de [musique.] = I do a lot of music, I play a lot of music.
  • Je fais du [basket] depuis 10 ans. = I’ve been playing basketball for ten years.
  • Je suis fan de [moto.] = I’m a big fan of motorcycles.
  • Moi, je suis passionnée par [les jeux de société.] = As for me, I love boardgames
  • Je me suis mise à [la randonnée] cet été. = I started hiking this summer.
  • J’ai commencé [la couture] l’année dernière. = I started sewing last year.
  • J’apprends [le français] depuis deux ans. = I’ve been learning French for two years.

4. Practice French Conversations: Travel

If you’re having a French conversation, you probably enjoy travelling too! So you can practice talking about that as well:

  • Je voyage beaucoup. = I travel a lot.
  • J’adore voyager. = I love travelling.
  • Je suis allé en Inde l’année dernière. = I went to India last year.
  • J’ai passé un an au Mexique. = I spent a year in Mexico.
  • Je vais en Allemagne l’été prochain. = I’m going to Germany next summer.

As you practice French conversation, and after coming back to this video several times, you’ll start noticing the grammar I use in these examples. Practicing French conversation will help you make your own French sentences more easily too!

5. Practice French Conversations: Summer Holiday

An easy conversation topic you can practice for summer is… summer holidays!
Such as :

  • Tu fais quoi cet été ? = What are you doing this summer?
  • Vous partez pour les vacances ? = Are you going somewhere for the holidays?, (with the plural “you”, for a family for instance.)

And your own answer, such as:
Cet été, je vais… = This summer, I’m going to…

  • …à la montagne. = …the mountains.
  • …à la plage. = …the beach.
  • …voir des amis. = …visit some friends.
  • …en France ! = …to France! Who knows ? 🙂

6. Practice French Conversations: Politeness & Shops

Finally, you really need to be 100% fluent with your politeness. A few words are a requisite for a good time in France. You probably remember some of them from your school lessons!

  • Bonjour = Hello
  • Merci = Thank you.
  • S’il te plaît = Please (for people you’re friendly with)
  • S’il vous plaît = Please (for people you don’t know, shopkeepers, civil servants…)
  • Au revoir ! = Goodbye!

Bonjour. Je voudrais une baguette s’il vous plaît. Merci ! Au revoir !
= Hello. I’d like a baguette please. Thanks! Have a nice day!

Yes, that’s a complete conversation French people have everyday at the bakery!

Of course, practice makes perfect, so you can always come back here and check out where you’re confident and where you can use more practice.

Check out more lessons on French conversation:

À tout de suite.
I’ll see you in the next video!

E = “uh” also in the middle of a “long” (several syllable) word, when it doesn’t come before two consonants. Le cheval. = The horse = sounds like “chuh vaal.

→ If you enjoyed this lesson (and/or learned something new) – why not share this lesson with a francophile friend? You can talk about it afterwards! You’ll learn much more if you have social support from your friends 🙂

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Join the conversation!

  • Mme Géraldine Lepère. Je suis très interesée par vos cours pour améliorer la compréhension et la expression oral. Pour moi c’est très difficile pour comprendre information specifique sans subtitres, ou la langue quotidienne, laquelle est plus vite. Cependant j’adore la langue Française et je voudrais apprendre plus de votre explications en anglais.

  • I don’t know if anyone agrees with this, but
    for years I’ve had more success at getting
    through conversations in French, in France
    when I’ve moved myself out of the main
    tourist areas. We think of Paris for sure,
    but, for example, going into shops in
    Boulogne I’ve found my French being shifted
    into English pretty quickly. They want to
    practice their English too no doubt, so you
    have to persevere and try to pick the right
    venues in the first place.
    Small family run restaurants in small towns
    where you can ask them about their “plat du
    jour” – in French of course – should get you
    up and running. Well, speaking at least ~ 🙂
    Allez ..

    • You are right! Quand to parle avec the locaux tu peux apprendre beaucoup. À bientôt. Perla

  • J’ai essayé de télécharger la leçon au format PDF. J’obtiens l’erreur 1020, le site se protège des attaques en ligne !

  • Je suis américaine et quand je suis en France, je ne parle qu’avec des gens qui je ne connais pas. Je vouvierais toujours, non?

    • Bravo Joanne! Ça ne vaut pas la peine d’aller en France et de ne pas profiter de parler en français. J’attends avec impatience ma prochaine visite en France.

    • Oui, si vous ne connaissez pas la personne, il sera conseillé de la vouvoyer. Par la suite, vous pouvez toujours demander : « On peut se tutoyer ? ».

      Comme Une Française Team

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