Spoken French Fluency Self-Test (Hint: It’s Fun Too!)

One of the best things you can do to improve your French fluency is practice! The more you listen to spoken French, the more you understand it.

Today, I will tell you about some of the most romantic places in Paris, entirely in French. Then, I’ll review some of the French vocabulary that might be unfamiliar. Let’s find out how much you’ll understand!

C’est parti!

1) The lesson in French (with translation)
2) Vocabulary (Six French expressions about romance)
3) Other vocabulary from the lesson

1) The lesson in French (with translation)

Paris est réputée pour être la ville du romantisme. Les amoureux s’embrassent sur les bancs publics face à la Seine.
Paris is renowned as the city of romance. Lovers kiss on public benches facing the Seine.

Les couples se promènent main dans la main, dans les ruelles pavées qui serpentent entre les vieilles maisons, illuminés par les lampadaires pittoresques de la Ville Lumière.
Couples walk hand in hand through cobblestone alleys winding between old houses, illuminated by the picturesque lampposts of the City of Light.

Des gens tombent amoureux dans les parcs fleuris ou sur les terrasses des cafés.
People fall in love in flower-filled parks or on café terraces.

Certains même se demandent en mariage près des monuments iconiques comme la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, le Sacré-Cœur ou, bien sûr, la tour Eiffel.
Some even propose near iconic monuments such as the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, Sacré-Cœur, or, of course, the Eiffel Tower.

Et de nombreux visiteurs viennent passer leur lune de miel dans la capitale, à la recherche de son ambiance romantique.
And many visitors come to spend their honeymoon in the capital, seeking its romantic atmosphere.

À Montmartre, le célèbre quartier pittoresque perché sur une colline, Paris célèbre l’amour par “le mur des je t’aime”, où cette phrase tendre est écrite mille fois en plus de trois cents langues – le cadre rêvé pour échanger des mots doux et des déclarations d’amour.
In Montmartre, the famous picturesque neighborhood perched on a hill, Paris celebrates love through “the I love you wall,” where this tender phrase is written a thousand times in more than three hundred languages – the perfect setting for exchanging sweet words and declarations of love.

À deux pas de là, la Maison rose de Montmartre est l’un de ces cafés charmants, parfait pour un premier rendez-vous. Le lieu inspire le coup de foudre, que ce soit pour la personne en face de vous, pour le quartier ou pour la ville elle-même.
Just a stone’s throw away, the “Pink House” of Montmartre is one of those charming cafés, perfect for a first date. The place inspires love at first sight, whether for the person in front of you, the neighborhood, or the city itself.

Descendez ensuite de la colline de Montmartre, pour vous diriger vers la Galerie Vivienne, un magnifique passage couvert dans le deuxième arrondissement.
Then, head down the Montmartre hill towards the Galerie Vivienne, a magnificent covered passage in the second arrondissement.

Elle abrite quelques boutiques chic et impressionnantes comme la Librairie Jousseaume, un trésor pour les amoureux des livres.
It houses chic and impressive shops like Librairie Jousseaume, a treasure trove for book lovers.

Profitez de l’atmosphère feutrée des nombreuses librairies parisiennes, où vous pourrez aussi, par exemple, acheter un livre de poésie française à offrir à votre bien-aimé(e), accompagné d’un joli bouquet de fleurs.
Enjoy the hushed atmosphere of the numerous Parisian bookstores, where you can also, for example, buy a book of French poetry to give to your beloved, accompanied by a pretty bouquet of flowers.

Continuez votre parcours romantique en visitant le square Saint-Gilles – Grand-Veneur – Pauline-Roland, jardin secret et bucolique loin de l’agitation des sentiers battus, où les couples peuvent profiter d’un moment de tranquillité sous les arbres en fleurs.
Continue your romantic journey by visiting the square Saint-Gilles – Grand-Veneur – Pauline-Roland, a secret and bucolic garden far from the hustle and bustle of the beaten track, where the couples can enjoy a moment of tranquility under the blossoming trees.

Restez sur votre petit nuage en flânant ensemble dans les grands parcs parisiens, entre les fontaines, les statues et les temples néoclassiques.
Keep yourself on cloud nine as you stroll together in the large Parisian parks, among the fountains, statues, and neoclassical temples.

Au Bois de Vincennes, une promenade en barque sur le lac Daumesnil vous offrira un moment de sérénité bercé par le rythme doux des rames sur l’eau, entourés de cygnes et de canards. Quelques instants coupés du monde pour profiter de la beauté du lieu et de votre partenaire.
In the Bois de Vincennes, a boat ride on Lake Daumesnil will offer you a moment of serenity, gently rocked by the gentle rhythm of the oars on the water, surrounded by swans and ducks. A few moments cut off from the world to enjoy the beauty of the place and your partner.

Pour conclure en beauté votre journée de romance, rien ne vaut un dîner aux chandelles, par exemple dans l’un des nombreux restaurants étoilés de Paris, ville de la gastronomie. Vous pourrez profiter des saveurs de la cuisine française, ou explorer les plats du monde entier.
To beautifully conclude your day of romance, nothing beats a candlelit dinner, for example, in one of Paris’s many Michelin-starred restaurants, a city of gastronomy. You’ll be able to enjoy the flavors of French cuisine or explore dishes from around the world.

C’est l’occasion idéale de partager un moment délicieux avec votre compagne ou compagnon, avant de vous plonger dans la vie nocturne trépidante de la ville.
It’s the perfect opportunity to share a delicious moment with your partner before immersing yourself in the city’s vibrant nightlife.

Click here to learn more:

2) Vocabulary (Six French expressions about romance)

1. Le romantisme

Le romantisme = romance.
Être romantique = to be romantic.
Romantique (nasal sound) sounds like Rome antique (= Ancient Rome).
Un cygne = a swan sounds like un signe = a sign.

Le truc en plus: Le romantisme (= romanticism) is a literary and artistic movement that emerged in France in the early 19th century. Romanticists valued emotion, individuality, imagination, nature, and passion. Prominent French Romantic authors include Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset, Lamartine, who created major works reflecting these themes. Nature was a significant source of inspiration, and Romanticism also gave rise to “dark romanticism” with dark and mysterious themes. Romanticists often had political engagement, and their influence continues in contemporary literature and art.

Click here to learn more:

2. Amoureux

Être amoureux (silent “x”) / Être amoureuse for a woman = to be in love.

Click here to listen to the song:
Barbara – Amoureuse

Tomber amoureux / Tomber amoureuse = to fall in love.
Le coup de foudre (silent “p”) = love at first sight (literally “thunder strike”).

Click here to listen to the song:
Coup de foudre entre Josépha et Cruchot? Le gendarme se marie – Louis de Funès

Un amoureux/une amoureuse = someone in love, a loving boyfriend/girlfriend.
Bien-aimé (formal) = beloved.

Click here to learn more:
Les Bien-aimés – a 2011 French romantic drama film with Catherine Deneuve and Ludivine Sagnier.

3. Un couple

Un couple = a couple, precisely two people, a pair.
It’s not quelques = a couple, a few, as in quelques verres = a couple of drinks. We don’t use “un couple” that way in French.
Notre couple = notre relation = our relationship.

(Fun fact: in the context of mechanics, le couple also means “torque,” a rotational force applied to an object.)

4. S’embrasser [extra mile: close to s’embraser = to start burning !]

S’embrasser = to kiss.
S’embraser = to start burning.
Un baiser = a kiss (formal and romantic word).
Baiser = to have sex (vulgar word).
Un bisou = a cute kiss (more informal and can be at the end of a letter or for saying goodbye).
La bise = a social gesture between friends, miming a kiss in the air cheek against cheek.

Click here to learn more:

5. Un rendez-vous

Un rendez-vous = any planned meeting.

Click here to listen to the song:
Stromae – Tous les mêmes

How do we say “a romantic date” in French? Well, that’s an excellent question!

  1. Un rendez-vous by itself. It leaves some ambiguity over whether it is romantic or not, but that might be useful.
  2. Un rendez-vous galant (silent “t”), a romantic meeting (too formal).
  3. Un rencard/un rancard (silent “d”) = un rendez-vous (slang). It used to be the perfect translation for “a date.” But now it’s outdated.
  4. Un date = a romantic date in real, everyday spoken French.
    Une date = a calendar date.

But that’s not all! There’s a second, more profound answer: French people don’t really date. I’m not sure it’s true, and I’m pretty sure that at least it’s changing rapidly with dating apps, etc.

But I do feel like, for a French person, you’re supposed to meet someone organically through friends, events or mutual interests, and maybe with time, it evolves into something more romantic, and then you’re together. And then, as a couple, you could book un dîner aux chandelles = a candlelit dinner, or whatever.

I feel like it’s different from a more American view of formal, pre-planned dates to get to know different people and figure out if you want a relationship.

6. Le mariage

La demande en mariage = the proposal, the marriage proposal.
Le mariage = the wedding (as a relationship itself) and the wedding ceremony.

3) Other vocabulary from the lesson

Tendre = tender
La tendresse = tenderness
Marcher main dans la main = to walk hand in hand
Les mots doux = sweet words, sweet nothings
Être sur un petit nuage = “being on a little cloud”, to be on cloud nine
À deux pas = “two steps away” = a stone’s throw away, nearby
La colline = the hill
Un lampadaire = a street lamp
Une librairie = a bookstore, not a library
Une bibliothèque = a library
Pittoresque = picturesque, authentic, charming

But we did an even deeper dive into the Hidden Gems of Paris in the 30-Day French Challenge! The 30-Day French Challenge is a recurring Comme une Française program, mixing French with fun and community; the theme can vary, but you get a new daily lesson and challenge on our special community groups. Our lesson in French today, at the beginning of this video, was made for a 30-Day French Challenge. That’s why I have a different outfit now!

You can learn more about the 30-Day French Challenge at the video description link. But for now, let’s watch that presentation again, but without any subtitles! Can you at least hear the words we focused on today?

Remember, the word are:

  • Le romantisme
  • Amoureux
  • Le couple
  • S’embrasser
  • Le rendez-vous
  • Le mariage

How was it? Did you understand everything? Congratulations!

If you want to practice again, you can go back to the beginning of this lesson and try again with subtitles on.

Or you can keep learning about understanding fast-spoken French with me!

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À tout de suite.
I’ll see you right now in the next video!

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