In today’s French lesson, we’re going to do things a little differently with a French game! Let’s play together and test your French oral comprehension at the same time!
Grab a pen and a notebook, let’s have a little game of trivia 🙂
In this written lesson, I’ll first give you 20 questions about French language and French culture. Try to guess the answer and write it down.
Don’t cheat! You’ll find the correction below the “Questions” section of this post.
Learning goals: This is what you’ll be able to do after watching this lesson
- Beginner: Learn some French slang and expressions
- Intermediate: Learn about cultural differences in FRENCH everyday life
- Advanced: Learn practical aspects of French culture that all French people know
Bonjour I’m Géraldine, your French teacher.
Welcome to Comme une Française!
I’m here to help you get better at speaking + understanding everyday French — anytime, anywhere.
Quick note:
I cover all these questions (and more!) in my program Exercise Your French. It’s a fun program for all levels (beginner / intermediate / advanced) and teaches you about different parts of French culture and everyday life. Each lesson includes quizzes you can take with your whole family!
Want all the vocabulary of the lesson ?
>> IMPORTANT: Obviously, in the video, “briser la glace” means “to break the ice”. Sorry about that. My brain REALLY needs some fresh air…
Want to read this lesson later ?
A) 20 Questions
1 – How do you say “The straw that broke the camel’s back” in French?
2 – À table, comment appelle-t-on les trois couverts principaux ? What are the three main pieces of cutlery in French?
3 – Quel petit pain fourré aux pommes peut-on acheter dans une boulangerie ?
What’s the name of the piece of special bread filled with apple jam that you can buy in a French bakery?
4 – Qu’est-ce qu’on doit payer en partant du restaurant ?
What’s the French name for “the bill” you have to pay when you leave the restaurant?
5 – Un ami vous invite chez lui pour 20h. A quelle heure est-ce que vous devez arriver?
A French friend invites you to their house for “20h”. At what time should you arrive?
6 – Comment peut-on dire “manger” en français familier ?
What are casual, informal French verbs for “to eat” ?
7 – Qui est la sorcière de la rue Mouffetard ?
Who’s the witch on Mouffetard street?
8 – Quelle est la morale de la fable “Le Corbeau et le Renard” ?
What’s the moral of the French fable “The Crow and the Fox”?
9 – Qui était le chef du Second Empire ?
Who was at the head of the Second Empire?
10 – Dans quelle région se trouve le mont Saint-Michel ?
In which French “région” (official area) is the Mont Saint-Michel located?
11 – C’est quoi les soldes ?
What are “les soldes” ?
12 – Comment s’appelle le fait de parler alors que quelqu’un n’a pas encore fini sa phrase ?
What’s the French name for cutting someone off / interrupting someone while they’re still talking?
13 – Qu’est qu’on peut dire à quelqu’un qui va monter sur scène, pour lui souhaiter bonne chance ?
What’s the French expression to say “break a leg” / “good luck” to someone who’s about to go on stage?
14 – Qui vient prendre les dents tombées des enfants la nuit ?
Who comes at night to take children’s teeth?
15 – Quel est le numéro d’urgence qu’on peut appeler en France pour avoir des médecins ou une ambulance ?
What’s the French emergency number to get doctors or an ambulance?
16 – Quelle est la phrase habituelle pour demander des nouvelles à un ami?
What’s the French common way to ask a friend “What’s up?”
17 – Quel chanteur français a écrit les chansons “Je te donne“, “Bonne idée” ou “Là-bas” ?
Which beloved French singer-songwriter wrote “Je te donne,” “Bonne idée” and “Là-bas”?
18 – Quelle phrase paraît être un compliment, mais est en fait une insulte ? C’est une erreur de base si tu apprends le français !
Which sentence sounds like a compliment, but is actually insulting? (It’s a common, embarrassing mistake, that you should never make!)
19 – Comment appelle-t-on le frère (et la soeur) de son père ?
What’s the French name for your father’s brother? Your father’s sister?
20 – Quand on ne vient pas un rendez-vous, quel animal apparaît en français?
When your date doesn’t show up, which animal appears instead, according to the French expression?
B) Correction (and the extra mile)
1 – C’est la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase
It’s the water drop that makes the vase overflow.
→ It’s an expression that’s almost like un dicton / un proverbe (= a proverb)
2 – La fourchette, le couteau, et la cuillère.
The fork, the knife and the spoon.
→ Depending on where you are and what you eat, you might also use things like la cuillère à soupe (= the big spoon for soup), le couteau à poisson (= the fish knife), and la fourchette à escargot (= the fork for escargots.)
3 – Le chausson aux pommes.
→ Or literally, “the apple slipper.”
It’s a pastry that you can find close to les viennoiseries (like le croissant or le pain au chocolat.)
4 – L’addition (or la note)
→ When you’re in a restaurant, try also asking for le plat du jour, the day’s special!
5 – 20h15
→ It’s le quart d’heure de politesse (= “the polite quarter-hour”). You arrive around fifteen minutes later so your friend might deal with some last-minute preparations if they need to.
6 – Bouffer / Grailler / Casser la graine / Boulotter
There are a lot of ways to say “to eat” in casual French!
→ There are three levels of formality in French language:
- familier (= casual, informal, like “bouffer”),
- courant (= common, like “manger”),
- soutenu (= formal, like “se sustenter.” Don’t use it unless you’re a poet or an old French aristocrat.)
7 – “La sorcière de la rue Mouffetard” est un conte de fée français moderne.”
“The witch in Mouffetard street” is a modern French fairy tale by Pierre Gripari.
→ A Parisian witch wants to eat a little girl with tomato sauce. I read this fairy tale (and the book it comes from) a lot in my childhood, I love it!
Click here to watch the animated version of “La sorcière de la rue Mouffetard” in French
8 – Tout flatteur vit aux dépens de celui qui l’écoute.
All flatterers live at the expense of who’s listening to them.
→ Les Fables de La Fontaine are taught in French schools. They’re a bedrock of common French knowledge, that you might not know about unless you grew up in France.
9 – Napoléon III (= Napoleon the IIIrd, nephew of Napoleon Ist)
→ Le Second Empire (1852-1870) is not as famous as other parts of French history (including in France), yet you can see a lot of its effects in Paris today.
That’s when most avenues and boulevards where created, as well as all these immeubles hausmanniens (= apartment buildings built under perfect Haussman, like these ones.)
10 – La Normandie (= Normandy)
It’s the land of le mont Saint-Michel, Vikings, le camembert, and le Débarquement (= D-Day.) It’s in North-Western France, near its “rival” la Bretagne (= Brittany.)
11 – Une période où les magasins baissent leur prix! (= Sales period!)
→ There’s a law to regulate when (and how) shops can discount their stocks during les soldes. So we have les soldes d’hiver (= winter sales), les soldes d’été (= summer sales)…
12 – Couper la parole (= cutting someone off.)
→ Don’t do it, it’s rude.
13 – Merde !
This is usually un gros mot (= a rude word / a swear word), but here it’s also un porte-bonheur (= a lucky charm, a superstition.)
14 – La petite souris. (= the little mouse, the French tooth fairy.)
When a child loses une dent de lait (= a baby tooth), the “small mouse” traditionally comes to pick it up and leaves behind une pièce de monnaie (= a coin.)
15 – Le 15 (= health emergency number)
→ It’s the number for le SAMU (= medical help emergency service). They’ll be able to send you une ambulance if needed.
16 – Quoi de neuf ? (= What’s new?)
→ It’s the usual introduction for le bavardage (= small talk), along with “Ça va ?” (= “How are you ?” / “Are you fine?”). You can also use it for briser la glace (= as an icebreaker).
17 – Jean-Jacques Goldman.
→ French people’s favorite celebrity! His official Youtube channel offers you his biggest hits.
You can use une référence culturelle (= a cultural reference) as a starting point to create a connection with someone and make friends… But more importantly, you can also use it when you show up at events and meetings, join a club, and become part of a friends group that’s already formed. Adults don’t always have time to create a new circle of friends.
18 – Bien fait !
→ I talked about it in my lesson on Bien fait ! This French expression does not mean “Well done,” but rather “You had it coming! / Serves you well!”
If you want to give a compliment, you can instead say J’aime beaucoup / C’est super (= I love it. / That’s fantastic).
19 – Mon oncle (= my uncle), ma tante (= my aunt)
→ By the way, in French we have the same name for a stepfamily and a family-in-law: la belle-famille. So une belle-mère can be a stepmother, or a mother-in-law.
20 – Un lapin ! (= a rabbit)
→ Not showing up for a meeting or a date is Poser un lapin (= to put a rabbit there) in French. It’s cute, but it’s still annoying.
For example :
J’y crois pas, Michel m’a posé un lapin !
I can’t believe it, Michel stood me up!
And we’re done! How many answers did you get right?
If you enjoyed this French quiz and would love to learn more about French culture and expressions (while also having FUN testing your knowledge), you would love my program Exercise Your French.
Your “Fun & Games” Playlist:
Spend some more time with me and learn to speak + understand French better in a chill way: Click to get more fun and games with Comme une Française.
You’ll get bloopers, an interactive exercise… And some jokes – though I can’t promise they’re all funny 😉
And we’ll dive into some French culture while I’m wearing an amazing dress and wig!
I’ll see you in the next video.
À tout de suite !
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And now:
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→ Double your Frenchness! Get my 10-day “Everyday French Crash Course” and learn more spoken French for free. Students love it! Start now and you’ll get Lesson 01 right in your inbox, straight away.
Click here to sign up for my FREE Everyday French Crash Course
Allez, salut 🙂
Yes! I did say “the tooth fairy.”
Très sympa!
Merde !
As said to the actor who is about to go on
stage. Encouragement indeed, and in English
the equivalent expression is “break a leg” !
There we are ~ and I know of a very nice
French language teacher who probably knew
that anyway because she loves the theatre
so much 😀
Une super leçon ~ merci beaucoup Géraldine.
Merci Géraldine, I got 4 right and it was very interesting, merci encore!
Thank you, Geraldine. I got 2 right but I should have gotten 3. I’ll have to learn the other phrases.
Bonjour Géraldine merci beaucoup cet leçon c’est super
Bonne journée
Dix sur vingt. 🙁
Ca te laisse plein de choses à découvrir !
merci, cӎtait super!
«Briser la glace» – aux Etats-Unis ça veut dire le même chose mais on dit “To break the ice”. Merci Gèraldine !
Bonsoir Jim,
J’ai dit n’importe quoi… En effet c’est “break the ice”. Mon cerveau a besoin d’air…
.this was great–lots of fun and learning at the same time ..well done!