How to Say Happy Birthday in French

Caecilia from Switzerland sent me a great question: « What to wish for birthdays? ». Here is the answer. I know how embarrassing it can be not be able to say it properly. ???? Guess what, it IS easy.

>> Want to go beyond “Joyeux anniversaire” in French? Sign up to make sure you don’t miss my other everyday French lessons!

What to wish

It is very simple. And always the same. ????

Joyeux anniversaire !


Bon anniversaire !

Both mean « Happy birthday ».

They are often shortened in « Bon anniv » and « Joyeux anniv ». Some people even use « annif » instead of « anniv ». I don’t but it was important for you to know.

What to write

Birthdays are usually linked with presents and cards. When writing your own card, you can go for:

Joyeux anniversaire Marie.

A bientôt,


If it is a group card, stay with:

Joyeux anniversaire Marie !


Short, simple, always works.

Note: we are not as creative as the British for birthday cards. But you will find choice in papeteries and carteries.

What to offer

Now, THIS is a touchy subject.

My view on this is: no decoration, no clothes, no perfume. All far too personal.

The best gift for me is: something I will use.

If you don’t know what to offer, go for flowers for women (an orchid in a pot is always good idea) or food for men like wine, chocolates, macarons…

More original good ideas:
– a voucher for a massage in an institute for a woman
– a magazine subscription
– a voucher for wine testing
– a voucher for a cooking class
– a good kitchen knife
– an Amazon voucher
– a cinema card
– a beautiful notebook
– a good brand handcream

I have tested all these and I can tell you they are very appreciated!

Take action now: if you have a birthday coming, what about picking an idea from this list?
Share it: if it a group present, send the article to your friends!

A bientôt !


>> Want to go beyond “Joyeux anniversaire” in French? Sign up to make sure you don’t miss my other everyday French lessons!

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    • Bonjour @Nettie,

      Tu peux dire : “Grand bébé” → Common way to say someone is acting like a baby.

      Bien à toi,

      Comme une Française Team

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