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Kiss or shake hands in France: 5 golden rules

Salut c’est Géraldine! Everytime you meet a French person, you have to greet her. On top of a simple « Bonjour », you’ll kiss (faire la bise) or shake her hand (serrer la main). Here comes THE big question: “When to kiss and when to shake hands?”.

French blogs: How to learn French reading 3 of them

Salut c’est Géraldine! Ca va? We’ve now reach the middle of summer. Here is France, life is slow. The weather is hot. It’s time to relax. YOU want to keep learning. 🙂 How to keep boosting your French in 5 minutes a day with no

French sorry: how to apologize in French

Salut ! You know, in the street in Paris, when you bump into somebody. The first word that comes to your mind is « sorry ». If you speak a little bit of French, you say « pardon ». That’s easy. Even if the « on » sound is tricky. ????

How to pay at the restaurant in France

Salut ! You’re in France, at the restaurant with friends. « La note » ou « l’addition », the bill arrives. Who pays? How much? For what? Ahah. That’s very cultural. It’s in Montreal, Quebec, that it struck me how different it can be, from one country to the

How to book a table at the restaurant

Salut ça va ? When in France, it’s always good to go to the restaurant. To try new food, and have a great time with your family and friends. And if you want to be SURE to get a table at THIS restaurant down the

How to say “I don’t like this” in French

Salut ! We talked in a previous video of this feeling of being like a 5 year-old when we speak a foreign language. When you’re having a conversation with a French person in a café, you want to be able to express yourself like the

How to compliment your French host about the dinner

Imagine this: You just finished a French dinner. It’s not even Christmas or Easter with never-ending dishes. Just a normal dinner with French friends, on a Friday night. You’re probably full. And it was delicious. How do you compliment the cook, in French? How do

How to go to the hairdresser in France

Salut ça va ? Many readers sent me the question: how to go to the hairdresser in France? What to say, what to ask so I don’t enter brunette and leave blond (or the opposite) or shaved. I see what you mean as I personnaly

How to find your dream flat in France

Bonjour ! Finding a flat in France is difficult. Even for French people! And you don’t speak French so well. And you know how red tape works… So you google your search: « 2 bedroom flat in Paris ». And you waste time. And money. And time.

How to solve a problem in a shop in French!

Bonjour ! When you have a problem at a store but you don’t manage to resolve it like you would have done in your country just because you don’t know what to say. You’re not a twit! It’s just that you don’t know how to
