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How to avoid these 5 double-meaning verbs traps

This morning, I was having a cup of coffee with Jana from Berlin. We talked about double meanings in French. How 2 letters can make a verb go from « formal » to « super rude ». I planned to write an article on this for you. To avoid

Ever dreamed of a wedding in France?

I often have questions about traditions in France. And as I went to a wedding this summer, I brought you a present. Answers to be fully ready when you are invited to a wedding in France. Le faire-part You are notified of the wedding day

7 clichés about France

I’ve heard so many things about France while living abroad and reading expat blogs that I wanted to give you the truth about 7 clichés about France. 🙂 So you never sounds like a tourist, more like a real French expert. Bastille Day First, there

Bonjour, une baguette s’il vous plaît !

The boulangerie is at the heart of French culture. French can drive miles for a good baguette. And you can spot the best boulangeries by the waiting line on Sunday mornings. I always tell my foreign visitors to try everything in the boulangeries: breads, viennoiseries

How to Say Happy Birthday in French

It is very simple and always the same: Joyeux anniversaire ! or Bon anniversaire ! Both mean “Happy birthday” in French. Here”s how you say it properly.

Don’t stay sick! Ask the pharmacist!

Have you ever been sick in a foreign country? Me too! And I remember very well my embarrassment while explaining my symptoms to the pharmacist You know what I’m talking about… The symptoms you don’t want the 10 people in the waiting line to know

Kiss or shake hands? Part 2: It can change!

Last tuesday, I published part 1 of this article. I receive lots of questions about « Should I kiss or shake hands? », and I usually refer people to the free video Present yourself in France available when you subscribe to Comme une Française newsletter (it is

How to Buy Makeup in France

Ever felt clueless in a Sephora? Not being able to ask for what you wanted? It hurts! It happened to me a lot. So here are the basics you will need to be « la plus belle ». Make up Let’s become the prettiest girl ever. No

Formal phrases for formal occasions

You don’t always talk to comprehensive French friends in cafes and restaurant. Sometimes, it’s cocktail time, office dinner time or meet-my-boyfriend’s-family time. Relax, breathe, read. And you’ll amaze them all with your delicate phrases and your charming accent. Here are the phrases you can use
