While improving your French vocabulary, and getting a better and better pronunciation, you wonder : “Is this adjective supposed to appear before or after the noun? Should I say Quelle ou Qu’elle ?” And all this kind of tricky questions.
And as you know, Comme une Française covers French vocabulary, everyday French, French culture, French behaviors… but NOT conjugation or grammar.
So here is how to fill the gaps.
I recommend 3 books depending on what you wish to improve.
Grammaire des tous premiers temps by Marie-Laure Chalaron and Roselyne Roesch.
This book is awesome. When I found it, I thought “all my readers should learn with it!”. It covers grammar and conjugation, you can write in it, it has a CD, it is light so fits in your bag… Perfect for you if you are a beginner or wish to be super solid on bases. I love it!
Buy Grammaire des tous premiers temps on Amazon
Grammaire progressive du français by Maïa Grégoire
3 levels: débutant / intermédiaire / avancé.
This book is 100% about grammar and will help you improve all these little French details. If you started with “Grammaire de tous premiers temps”, go straight to “intermédiaire” level. The “correction” is in a separate booklet so remember to get it too. I always recommend this book to my students so i will recommend it to you too.
Tip: Find a friend to do the exercises with. So you can discuss. You can also do the exercises and ask questions to your French teacher if you have one. This is what I used to do when I was studying English.
Buy Grammaire progressive du français (débutant) on Amazon
Conjugaison progressive du français by Michèle Boulares and Odile Grand-Clément
Conjugaison is key to be credible when you speak and write. Also, working on it to improve yours will help you structure what you know. Instead of learning the conjugaison verb by verb (exhausting), you will associate verbs from the first group together and discover that: they’re all the same! And so on.
Tip: Odile Grand-Clément also wrote the fantastic “Savoir-vivre avec les français. Que dire? Que faire ?” We’ll talk about this one another time.
Tip 2: Skip verbs and tenses noboby uses. But don’t tell your French teacher I said that. 😉
Buy Conjugaison progressive du français (débutant) on Amazon
Asking questions about grammar and conjugation is the first step to improve them. And take confidence when you speak. You will be able to build perfect phrases and speak in a professional situation. As you know, speaking a good French is a pre-requisite to work in France.